“Tasty Guys” Jeonju Tour: Blood Sausage, Carrot Seaweed Wrap, Spicy Pork Rib Stew

Do you like mukbang (eating show)? My favorite mukbang is “Tasty Guys” featuring Kim Jun-hyun, Yoo Min-sang, Kim Min Kyung, and Moon Se-yoon. They visited Jeonju last May for a round of mukbang tour. Let’s find out where they visited

1. Jo Jeom Rye Nammun Pisundae (blood sausage)

Jo Jeom Rye Nammun Pisundae was the first destination of “Tasty Guys”. This venue has been famous among both locals and tourists long before it was featured in the mukbang.

I arrived at 8am, but the restaurant was already pretty crowded by those looking for a good hangover solution. During lunch and dinner, the place is even more crowded and it’s likely a long line will form in front of the restaurant.

On the wall was the photo and signatures of the members of “Tasty Guys”. I ordered ambbong (an intestine part) sundae gukbap (blood sausage stew with rice). The difference between sundae gukbap and ambbong sundae gukbap is the amount of intestine in the gukbap.

It only takes about five minutes for the orders to arrive. I consider these stew or hot pot dishes Korean ‘fast food’. The side dishes are scallion, kakdugi (radish kimchi), kimchi, and fresh chilli pepper. You can serve yourself more side dishes. For sauce, chojang (chilli pepper sauce and vinegar mix), ssamjang (chilli pepper sauce and soy bean sauce mix), and tiny pickled shrimps were served.

In my sundae gukbap pot were three pieces of pisundae (blood sausage) and generous amount of intestine slices. The blood sausage did not smell funny at all, but very savory and soft. I also loved the chewy and meaty texture of different intestine slices. I used chojang for them. The broth was spicy and savory. This dish must be really good for the morning after solution.

Jo Jeom Rye Nammun Pisoondae
Address: Jeondong 3ga 2-198, Wansangu, Jeonju
Opening hours: 24 hours every day
Menu: Sundae Gukbap (7,000 won), Ambbong Sundae Gukbap (8,000 won), Small pisundae dish (12,000 won)

2. Oh Sun Mo Yetnal Gimbap

The second destination is Oh Sun Mo Yetnal Gimbap. This venue is famous for ‘danggeun (carrot) gimbap (seaweed wrap)’, which sounds odd. Carrot isn’t the most popular ingredient. However, it turned out to be one of my best gimbap experiences.

Inside the venue, the owners are busy wrapping gimbap. I could spot the pile of carrots everywhere.

There’s only one choice in the menu: carrot gimbap. On the menu are different prices per the number of gimbap ordered. The price does not lower as you order more. I think the owner put this menu for easy calculation.

There’s no table inside the venue, so the order must be takeaway. I ordered two gimbap.

The gimbap is filled with juicy orange carrots. As I opened the package, the sweet smell of sesame oil One slice of gimbap, I instantly found out why this gimbap, despite being the carrot gimbap, is so popular. I loved the texture and flavors of carrot and garlic sauce.

Oh Sun Mo Yetnal Gimap
Address: Songjung 1gil 1, Wansangu, Jeonju
Opening hours: 0500~1800 (call if visiting after 1700; closed on Mondays)

3. Namno Galbi

The third destination for today is Namno Galbi, famous for mulgalbi. Mulgalbi is a local dish, a spicy pork rib stew boiled with vegetables such as bean sprouts and mushrooms.

The crews of “Tasty Guys” visited “Jeonju Mulgalbi”, but that venue was already full. So I tried another venue, “Namno Galbi”, also featured in many television shows, newspapers, and magazines.

Upon entering, I ordered mulgalbi for two. The side dishes include lettuce, thinly sliced pickled radish, garlic, kakdugi (radish kimchi), and fresh chilli peppers.

I was surprised at the amount of bean sprouts topped over the pot. But these soon submerge into the boiling spicy broth.

Don’t pour the glass noodle in the beginning, for they cook fast. After 8-10 minutes of boiling, cut the pork rib under the bean sprouts to adequate size.

Eat the glass noodles first for they cook faster than the meat. When the meat is cooked, wrap the meat with the lettuce and radish pickle slice. That’s how Koreans eat mulgalbi. Although the dish is very red, it wasn’t very spicy. It was rather adequately spicy-sweet.

After finishing the meat, we ordered fried rice. So the fried rice in mulgalbi restaurant means pan-frying rice on the pot with the leftover broth and vegetables. If you’re hungry for the generous and unique local Korean dish, go for mulgalbi!

Namno Galbi
Address: Hanjigil 24, Wansangu, Jeonju
Opening hours: 1100~2200 every day
Menu: Namno Mulgalbi (11,000 won)

If you’re planning to visit Jeonju, I recommend following the path of “Tasty Guys”, trying pisundae (blood sausage), carrot gimbap (seaweed wrap), and mulgalbi (spicy pork rib with vegetables stew).

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