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Spring stroll at Jeonju Hanok Village


​The last two months have been very different from the previous years. The scents of spring flower in the streets of Jeonju Hanok Village are more welcome than ever. Let’s find out what the spring of 2020 is like in the Hanok Village.

Gyeonggijeon Palace

It was a fine weekend day for spring picnic.

Jeonju Hanok Village is a world-famous tourist attraction with elegant hanok buildings, aromatic spring flowers, local street food, and things to experience.

Gyeonggijeon Palace is the most iconic spot in the Hanok Village, along with Jeondong Cathedral.

​The red apricot flower is a very popular photo spot here. The tree is not big, but its red flowers are very elegant.



Taejoro is the main street of the Hanok Village. The street is slightly less crowded than it used to be.

It’s a bit strange to see the street this empty.

But I still see some people outside with mask on, probably to enjoy the warmer weather.

​A short walk may provide a small comfort from the fatigue of this corona time.


Omokdae Traditional Garden

Omokdae Traditional Garden is the newest addition to the Hanok Village.

It’s comprised with the courtyard for outdoor concerts and hanging figures of traditional symbols.

It’d be much livelier when the flowers are in full bloom.

I’m curious how this space will turn out to be soon.

The spring of Jeonju Hyanggyo

Jeonju Hyanggyo (Confucian school) is considered the best spring destination inside Jeonju Hanok Village. The cornelian cherry flowers and apricot flowers herald the arrival of spring.

Jeonju Hyanggyo quietly boasts its relaxing atmosphere. I was lucky to have taken photos here without other people.

The green leaves are sprouting and colorful flowers are fully blooming at Jeonju Hyanggyo nowadays. It’s probably the best time of the year to visit.

I recommend renting hanbok costume and take instagrammable photos here.

It’s nice to take a walk at Jeonju Hanok Village in this weather, along the low stone walls and black tiled roofs. From magnolias, apricot flowers, and cornelian cherry flowers to forsythias, at every turn of alleyway corners, you’ll come across different faces of spring.

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