Unique Jeonju Kongnamul Gukbap (Bean Sprouts Soup with Rice) Venues


Kongnamul gukbap (bean sprouts soup with rice) is one of the renowned delicacies from Jeonju. It’s probably the most popular hangover treatment in the morning and, price-wise, very accessible to everyone.

Made with common ingredients and easy to prepare, kongnamul gukbap was developed during the Korean War. In the 1970s, the dish was mostly sold around Jeonju Nambu Market and Jeonju Train Station. In the 1980s, kongnamul gukbap venues were found in most markets. With a rather long history, there are variou Jeonju kongnamul gukbap venues in Jeonu. Today, I’ll introduce more unique kongnamul gukbaps in Jeonju.

‘Puffer fish’ kongnamul gukbap at Chaeumi

The first venue is ‘Chaeumi Kongnamul Gukbap’ (also known as the former name ‘Bubu kongnamul Gukbap’) in Hyocheon District. The venue is open only from 07:00 till 14:00, so make sure to arrive during this time.

Although the kongnamul gukbap looks quite similar to others, the broth is very special. This venue uses puffer fish broth instead of the usual dried pollack broth! It’s the only kongnamul gukbap place in Jeonju that uses puffer fish broth.


I visited during the lunchtime, and the venue was quite crowded. There’re only four dishes on the menu: two kongnamul gukbap and two ramyeon. In my experience, the less dishes on the menu, the more gourmet restaurant.

I ordered all four dishes and looked around. It seemed very hygienic in that everything was clean and organized. The seats were separated by acrylic boards. The inside was wide and air-conditioned. 


My dishes arrived and it seemed nothing so special until I tasted the broth. Me and my friends were quite impressed by the deep and elegant flavor of the puffer fish broth. The fresh bean sprouts, chilli pepper, and spring onion enhanced the flavor too.

Although we were skeptical about the ramyeon at first, the broth of the ramyeon was great. It was the first time eating a ramyeon seemed healthy. There wasn’t too much garlic in the dishes, so the aftertaste was clean.

The bean sprouts can be refilled upon order. Also, the customers can refill rice, banchan (side dishes), and seaweed as much as they want. Although I didn’t drink alcohol yesterday, it felt like I just had a really good hangover food. This place is highly recommended if you’re looking for a rather special kongnamul gukbap.


​Chaewumi Kongnamul Gukbap
Address: 347 Ssukgogaero, Wansangu, Jeonju
Opening hours: 07:00~14:00 (closed on Sundays)
Contact: 063-221-3253
Price: 8,000 won ~ 7,000 won

‘Baek kimchi’ kongnamul gukbap at Sinbaengi

The second venue is Sinbaengi, famous for ‘baek kimchi’ (white kimchi made without red chilli pepper powder) kongnamul gukbap. Located in Jeonju Hanok Village, Singbaengi is a certified local food venue. I heard this place is renowned among kongnamul gukbap enthusiasts.

The venue is a hanok building. Hence, it felt very traditional. If you have ‘Jeonbuk Tour Pass’, you’re qualified for a discount here.

I’m quite impressed by the certifications and patent. A patented kongnamul gukbap sounds very interesting! The interior was neatly organized, with several places to wash hands. Most of all, I liked the view open towards the courtyard.

The menu at Sinbaengi is also rather simple with only two kongnamul gukbap and three bibimbap. Also, since the owner is a ‘kimchi master’, customers can order kimchi delivery too. I heard that the bibimbap dishes are very good, but since we came here for the ‘baek kimchi kongnamul gukbap’, we ordered it. Upon order, three different types of kimchi arrived. I loved their savoriness. My favorite was the ‘gat (mustard leaf) kimchi’.

This is the signature menu ‘baek kimchi kongnamul gukbap’. This also, at a first glance, seemed not much different from the others. However, the flavor was rather light and not overwhelming so that the kongnamul gukbap goes really well with the three kimchi. It felt really easy on the stomach.

Because of the baek kimchi, the dish wasn’t too salty or fatty. I finished both the kongnamul gukbap and the three kimchi. I guess people who don’t take spices very well will love this dish. And this patented dish is only available in Jeonju!


Address: Gyeonggijeongil 153-9, Wansangu, Jeonju
Opening hours: 08:00~20:00
Contact: 063-282-3030
Price: kongnamul gukbap (red kimchi, white kimchi) 7,000 won

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Beautiful Hanok (Korean Traditional Building Style) Cafés in Jeonju: Onewwol, Haengwon, Myungcheonjae
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Showy Pink Crape Myrtle Flower Blooming in Jeonju Hanok Village and Wansan Park


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