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Genuine Local Dish: Jeonju Mulgalbi (pork ribs and vegetables in spicy broth)

​When the temperature goes down, we long for something spicy and warm. There’s the local cuisine just right for such occasion: mulgalbi. Today, I’ll introduce two famous local mulgalbi restaurants that might be your favorites.

Mulgalbi, a local cuisine

Its name says it all: mul (water) and galbi (rib). Mulgalbi is a dish where pork ribs are boiled in spicy broth with vegetables and mushrooms.

It’s said that mulgalbi was created as a dish to share among many people. That’s why it’s a broth dish with ample amount of kongnamul (bean sprouts). Mulgalbi is less heavy on the palate and stomach than barbequed pork ribs.

Jamae Galbi Jeongol(자매갈비전골)

Located near Jeonju Hanok Village, Jamae Galbi Jeongol is close to the public parking. The seats were full although it was still early evening.

There are only two dishes on the menu: mulgalbi (called galbi jeongol) and kimchi mulgalbi (called kimchi galbi jeongol). I ordered mulgalbi for two people but didn’t order rice. You’ll soon find out why.

The side dishes went very well with mulgalbi. The portion was big for two people. The mulgalbi was served half-cooked to keep the vegetables crunchy, so I boiled it again on the table.

When the broth is boiling, cut the ribs and let it simmer a bit more. I tried the still-crunchy bean sprouts and fresh glass noodles first.

When the ribs were ready, I wrapped the meat and ssamjang (mixture of soy bean paste and chili pepper paste) with lettuce. I also sip a spoonful of the broth. The spicy delicious flavors explode in my mouth. I personally find mulgalbi better than barbequed pork ribs.

The reason why I didn’t eat rice with mulgalbi is to make this fried rice. The server added rice and chopped scallions over the leftover broth to make the fried rice on the table. Tastiness guaranteed!

After gorging on mulgalbi at Jamae Galbi Jeongol, I strolled around Jeonju Hanok Village. It was a perfect evening.


Jeonju Jamae Galbi Jeongol

Address: Girindaero 121, Wansangu, Jeonju

Contact: 063-283-7953

Opening hours: 11:00~22:00 (closed on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month)


Byeonsan Myungpoom Bajirak Mulgalbi (변산명품 바지락 물갈비)

There are many mulgalbi restaurants in Jeonju, but this one is special. In Byeonsan Myungpoom Bajirak Mulagalbi, the broth of mulgalbi is more flavorsome thanks to bajirak (little-necked clam) from the Western coastline of Korea!

This venue was also popular. I visited early lunchtime, but the place was pretty busy. I like that at mulgalbi venues, I don’t have to worry about the smoky smell of barbeque.

Since the dishes on the menu were cheaper than I expected, I ordered a variety of bajirak dishes. For appetizer, I ordered bajirak buchimgae (the clam pancake) and bajirak juk (the clam porridge).

The bajirak buchimgae was big, thick, and savory! It was lunchtime but I almost ordered makkoli (Korean rice wine). The bajirak juk warmed up my stomach.

This is the main dish, bajirak mulgalbi. The pork ribs were nicely cut into pieces over the clams. The dish is served almost cooked, so when the bean sprouts are cooked on the table, the dish is ready. I sipped a spoon of the broth, and it was the two best flavors from the sea and land combined.

When I was done with the clams and meat, I put ramyun noodle into the broth. Thanks to the flavorsome broth, the ramyun is something you cannot find anywhere else. You may also add some rice later.

Visit Byeonsan Myungpoom Bajirak Mulagalbi if you want to taste the best of both sea and land in one mulgalbi dish!


Byeonsan Myungpoom Bajirak Mulagalbi

Address: Hwasancheonbyunro 5, Wansangu, Jeonju

Contact: 063-242-2554

Opening hours: 06:30~21:30



Doesn’t even thinking about a warm and spicy dish mouth-watering in cold autumn days? If you want to try a dish that the locals are proud of, visit one of the mulgalbi venues in Jeonju!

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