Cherry Blossoms at Jeonju Wansan Park

The weather seems to be getting warmer every day. It’s time to plan your spring picnic. How about enjoying the spring under the cherry blossoms at Jeonju Wansan Park?

The double-flowering cherry blossoms at Wansan Park usually blossoms till the late springtime. The park has been frequented by the locals for a while.

The cherry blossoms of Wansan Park are in full bloom. The visitors were busy taking photos of this magnificent view. It seemed as if I’m in a totally different world.

It’s rare to find places such as Wansan Park, a resting place for the locals within the city. Although modest in size, the park gives great joy to the families, friends, and lovers!

Wansan Park used to be a private property. The former owner of the land, Mr. Kim Yeong-seop, planted royal azalea trees, zinnia tress and cherry blossom trees on the hill of his land since the 1970s. He gardened the place for 40 years.

A former salaried worker, Mr. Kim split his small salary to invest in the trees. His wife was often not very happy about this. He started gardening the hills because his parents’ tombs were on the hills. His passion and efforts paid off with a beautiful hill blossoming with all kinds of flowers.

Due to the extraordinary scenery of the hill, he was often suggested to sell the land for a huge amount of money. However, he decided to donate the land to the city of Jeonju after seeing a grandmother and her grandson happily enjoying the flowers.

From 2009, the city of Jeonju bought extra lands around the hill and more trees to open the park. The city also built an observatory on the top of the hill to view the oldtown of Jeonju. The city also installed trails for visitors. The park officially opened to the public in April, 2010.

Now, the park is not only frequented by the locals, but also by people from all over Korea and even by travellers from overseas.

I wish the park continues to be a beautiful resting place into our future generations. This year, how about visiting Wansan Park to enjoy the cherry blossoms?

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  • 응답
    Jolly Mae Marquez

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