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Jeonju Gamaek (Corner Store Beer) Venues: Jeonil Gap O and Dalpaengi Super

Jeonju is renowned for “gamack”. “Gamaek” is a shorthand for “gagae (corner store) maekju (beer)”. Jeonju is famous for small corner stores or kiosks equipped with several tables where you can order cold beer and cheap nibbles like briquet-grilled dried pollacks. There are different types of “gamaek” venues in Jeonju, from the traditional corner stores to more modernized venues. Today I’ll introduce two famous “gamaek” venues: Jeonil Gap O and Dalpaengi Super.

Traditional Gamaek at Jeonil Gap O

Jeonil Gap O is the most famous gamaek place in Jeonju. From the signboard and the interior, I could tell this venue is very old.

The owner was grilling dried pollacks over brisket fire in front of the store. I couldn’t help but order it.

A variety of snacks and cup noodles are also available. Also, the customers can take the dried pollacks home.

The most popular menu of Jeonil Gap O is dried pollack, Korean style egg roll, and cuttlefish. I ordered the dried pollack, which was served almost immediately. This is how to eat the dried pollack: rip it with your fingers! It’s easy.

Then, dip the pollack in the special sauce of Jeonil Gap O. The sauce is a harmony of spicy, sweet, and salty flavors. It calls for more beer!

If you feel like having a good time with old friends, I recommend the tasty dried pollack and chilled beer at Jeonil Gap O.


​Jeonil Gap O

Address: 16 Hyunmoo 2gil, Wansangu, Jeonju

Opening hours: 15:00 ~ 01:30 (closed on Sundays)


Modern Gamaek at Dalpaengi Super


The next destination is Dalpaengi Super. It’s more modernized Gamaek venue with the impressive entrance.

The interior is pretty wide. I’d want to hold a massive evening party here.

The old nibbles and snacks, even the ones that I used to eat when I was a primary school kid, were there.

Almost everything was self-service, even the alcohols. I found this more convenient. Also, the beers of Dalpaengi Super are delivered freshly from the local beer factory. They do taste different.

With beer, fried squid and chicken, fried chilli pepper, dried pollack, and Korean style egg roll are recommended. With soju, spicy whelk, spicy fried pork, seafood and fishcake stew, seafood ramyun, and many more.

We ordered the spicy whelk tray, which serve whelk, vegetables, shrimp, squid, quail eggs, and noodle on the metal tray. It’s my favorite menu, because it’s big in portion and the sauce is tasty.

If you feel like fresh beer, big nibbles, and good conversation, visit Dalpaengi Super!


​Dalpaengi Super

Address: 53, Jeonjugaeksa 2gil, Wansangu, Jeonju

Opening hours: 17:00 ~ 05:00 every day



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  • Jared Sandler

    Wow, it is cool that you can still enjoy the same nostalgic snacks that you used to enjoy as a primary school student if you visit Dalpaengi Super in Jeonju City. Perhaps that is one of the big appeals of a venue like Dalpaengi Super or Jeonil Gap O. Interesting!

  • Sherab Jamtsho

    Gamaek virtually for now, but definitely gonna try it for real anytime soon! Thanks for the wonderful contents!!

  • Ever Enrique Castillo Osorio

    I visited once a similar place. I am not so into to drinking beer, however always is nice to spend time talking with friends.

  • Nurenza Lee

    Gamaek is a place to chill, looking forward to visit Jeonju!!

  • Nurenza Lee

    Jeonju the best place 💗💗💗

  • 鳥あきら

    squid with beer , damn i would love it , thank you for sharing best spots around , i am actually reading and coming to know a lot of spots

  • Emila Clarke

    this makes me mouth watering, i just love korean beer, i would love to taste it with some spicy korean chicken

  • Radhakrishna Pillai N

    Best place for classical treat.

  • Mia Sophia

    I was actually looking for food in jeonju , it looks so delicous, i love it

  • Saqib Sajid

    just love this, i was actually searching for some great food spots available , i was also looking for accomodation, can anyone recommned it guys ?

  • Cindy Cindy

    just love this, foodie love

  • Pushpa A

    looks like a great spot to spend a date , with some chill beer and squid and chicken , food cravings